
New California Law to Address Climate Change Might Be Its Creepiest Yet

A new bill just signed into law by California's Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom will give residents of the Golden State a new option when their days on earth are over that is apparently better for the planet, if you're the kind of person who wants to fight climate change in death as much as you may have in life. 

The bill was put forward by Democrat Assemblymember Cristina Garcia, and the text of the legislation describing the practice is as strange as what the law will allow beginning in 2027:

This bill, commencing January 1, 2027, would require the bureau to license and regulate reduction facilities, as defined, and would enact requirements applicable to reduction facilities substantially similar to those applicable to crematoria and hydrolysis facilities and would enact provisions relating to the disposition of reduced human remains by integration into the soil.

That is, compost. You can compost your loved ones in a "reduction chamber" soon in California. According to Assemblymember Garcia's office, composting humans "involves placing bodies in individual vessels and fostering gentle transformation into a nutrient-dense soil that can then be returned to families or donated to conservation land." So, your loved one dies, you compost them, and then you get what's left of them back as fertilizer to use in your garden? Or shipped off to fertilize someone else's land? Heavens. 

Garcia's office has claimed that the "result is a completely safe and economical method of final disposition that offers additional choice for people to direct their final wishes" and "is proven more environmentally sound than burial, which can leach chemicals into the ground, or cremation, which uses fossil fuels and releases earth-warming carbon dioxide." 

Garcia herself argued on the climate change merits of her law, by saying "with climate change and sea-level rise as very real threats to our environment, this is an alternative method of final disposition that won’t contribute emissions into our atmosphere." How nice?

A new law that will allow Californians to compost themselves to save the planet is the new ultimate virtue signal for the woke climate-panic crowd. "Oh, you drive an electric vehicle and have solar panels on your roof? Well I'm being composted and used to fertilize conservation land to prevent my body from causing global warming with cremation or leeching chemicals into the ground with a normal burial."