
Hunter Biden’s Ex-Business Partner Claims FBI Shut Down Laptop Story

The Hunter Biden laptop mystery continues as key details begin to unfold. Former FBI official Timothy Thibault allegedly shut down part of the investigation into Biden and was "running point" in the bureau's dealings with a key witness in the probe. 

However, Thibault's lawyers say he was never involved in a supervisory role in the Hunter Biden investigation.

"Mr. Thibault did not supervise the investigation of Hunter Biden, which, as confirmed by the FBI Director on August 4, 2022, is being handled by the Baltimore Field Office…In particular, Mr. Thibault was not involved in any decisions related to any laptop that may be at issue in that investigation, and he did not seek to close the investigation," Thibault's attorneys told the Daily Caller. 

A source told the Washington Free Beacon that Tony Bobulinski is concerned Thibault helped bury key information about his dealings with the Biden family that was handed over to the FBI. 

Thibault apparently met with Bobulinski's lawyers more than once after his five-hour October 2020 FBI interview, despite claiming the FBI never reached out to Bobulinski after Thibault told the attorneys the bureau would reach out if more information was necessary.

Bobulinski said Joe Biden is "the big guy" referenced in cryptic emails discussing equity payments from their business deals. He claimed he met with the father and son several times in 2017 to discuss a multimillion-dollar deal with CEFC China Energy, a Chinese energy conglomerate with ties to Chinese military intelligence.

Bobulinski also disclosed information that revealed Joe Biden was involved with Hunter's business.