
American Weakness Brutally Exposed Again in Recent Spat With China Over Taiwan

As Congress gives more money to Ukraine, no questions asked, our preeminent geopolitical threat is starting to flex its muscles. The debate over Taiwan has resurfaced with the Chinese, and Beijing recently demanded the US halt a recent arms shipment to the Taiwanese. The intensity increased when state-media accounts threatened to shoot down the plane carrying Speaker of the House Nancy, who recently visited the Taiwanese capital, Taipei. 

Pelosi landed in the country with no shots being fired. Joe Biden, weak as ever, wanted Pelosi to postpone the trip, but in a stunning display of bipartisan support, members of Congress from both parties urged the speaker to push on with the trip. As DC tries to smooth over relations, calls to Beijing among our top military officials have gone unanswered (via Politico):

Top Chinese military officials have not returned multiple calls from their American counterparts this week as a crisis erupted in the Pacific over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, according to three people with knowledge of the attempts.

Beijing’s ghosting of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley comes as China continues launching missiles and positioning warships and aircraft in unprecedented military drills around Taiwan. Officials and experts say China’s silence is a shortsighted and reckless move that increases the risk of escalation in an already tense situation.

If the [Chinese military] is operating more aggressively, and in closer proximity to U.S. forces with greater frequency, we’d need these mechanisms even more to promote a safe operating environment,” said Randy Schriver, who served as the top Pentagon official for Asia policy in the Trump administration.

U.S. military leaders strive to maintain open lines of communication even with potential adversaries such as China to prevent accidents and other miscalculations that could turn into a full-blown conflict.

We were told that American leadership was back under Biden. Instead, our closest allies are crafting contingency plans due to Washington’s increasing unreliability in foreign affairs. Biden wanted to kowtow to Beijing on Pelosi’s travel itinerary. Please—the Chinese see Biden’s weakness from the Great Wall. At the outset of the Biden presidency, Chinese officials knew a breach in American strength was coming in Anchorage, Alaska. Secretary of State Antony Blinken got embarrassed in front of an international audience by the Chinese delegation. 

Then, as Russia prepared to invade Ukraine, Biden’s team shared sensitive information with the Chinese about Putin’s build-up in the region in a spectacular display of naivete. Beijing then shared this information with the Russians. Biden’s approach didn’t stop Moscow from giving the green light to roll tanks into Ukraine. China might see the same crease to exploit when it comes to Taiwan. 

Phones calls from top American officials going unanswered did not happen often, if at all, under Trump. The United Arab Emirates and the Saudis ignored calls from Biden himself. Again, for those paying attention, this is not a shocking development. Biden has a long list of being wrong about American foreign policy issues that stretches more than a generation. He’s old, slow, stupid, but still arrogant to no end. He’d rather be right, which is a cancerous mindset among those in the Democratic Party. 

America is not back. We have an old, sick man leading it into decline. 

I feel like Uncle Junior from the Sopranos with this administration

“He couldn’t sell it. He’s not respected.” Except for this time, we’re talking about Joe Biden, not Richie Aprile.