
Poll: Republicans Leading Midterm Race for House

A new CBS News Battleground Tracker poll found that Republicans are in the lead for control of the House ahead of the 2022 midterm elections by at least 25 seats. 

The polling shows that the GOP currently has 230 projected seats, while Democrats have 205. 

If Republicans win with the 230 seats, it would give them 12 more seats than the 218 needed to take over the House. 

The poll also gives insight to where things currently stand. It shows that Democrat voters are let down with current political affairs, therefore are less likely to show up and vote than Republicans. 

According to the survey, voters' top concern is "the way things are in the country,” and since Democrats are in power and the U.S. is in a state of turmoil, Americans might be looking for a change come the next election. 

Additionally, the poll found that 16 percent of Democrats and 43 percent of Republicans feel that the left has not delivered on promises made while campaigning last year. 

However, 68 percent of Republicans believe that congressional Republicans are fighting for them. 

The CBS Tracker poll notes that there are more 2020 Trump voters than Biden voters planning to vote this year, a switch from the last general election. 

This results from the poll indicate that effects of the Biden administration is taking a toll on their chances of retaining the House due to key issues such as rising inflation and how they feel about having Joe Biden as the president. 

47 percent of voters say Biden’s job in office is a driving factor in how they will vote.