
What Gov. DeSantis’ Second Term Will Look Like

According to U.S. Census data, four of the nation’s top 10 metro areas with the highest population growth were in Florida— more than any other state. 

The reasoning behind this? Florida is a Republican-led state that thrives on freedom, unlike states that mandate its citizens to follow draconian rules. 

As Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R-Fla) next term rounds the corner, he is outlining his main priorities for his next term that will surely keep people wanting to live in Florida. 

“We have to Keep Florida Free, we got to continue to be good stewards of the tax dollars… we want to continue doing what we’re doing with education – to promote civics, true American history, and keep woke ideology out of the classroom – we want to continue to stand by law enforcement, and finish what I’ve started on all our Everglades projects,” DeSantis said. 

DeSantis has promised to keep his state free from the leftist mob who believes Americans should not have the right to earn a living, own their own business or have a say in their child’s education. Instead, he has fought back against federal mandates to ensure Florida citizen’s rights are protected. 

“Florida has stood strong as the rock of freedom, and it is upon this rock that we must build Florida’s future,” DeSantis said during a speech. 

If there is one thing DeSantis has made headlines for, it is education. He has fought tooth and nail against the wokeness to protect students with the launch of his Education Agenda: Putting Students First, Protecting Parents’ Rights statewide blueprint. 

Countless times he has called out the left for indoctrinating kids with their radical agenda that sexualizes minors and teaches them about gender identity at such a young age. DeSantis also has repeatedly criticized Democrats for warping children’s understanding of race. 

In response, he has banned Critical Race Theory from being taught in the classroom and signed a law giving parents the right to know what exactly their child is being taught. 

“Florida’s students are thriving, our schools are open, teachers are paid more, and parents are empowered… [DeSantis is] focused on setting Florida’s children up for success, ensuring parental rights in education, and combatting woke agendas from infiltrating public schools,” according to a press release. 

Looking ahead, DeSantis hopes to continue being a mascot for law enforcement by backing the blue with his recent signing of the strongest law enforcement recruitment and support initiative in the U.S

“While other parts of the country are mistreating, marginalizing, and defunding law enforcement, in Florida we continue to prioritize and appreciate our law enforcement officers,” DeSantis said.

DeSantis has also aimed to keeping Florida’s taxes low by signing a $1.2 billion tax relief for citizens, the largest in the state’s history. He plans to continue making Florida one of the most favorable tax-friendly states in the U.S. 

“Florida’s economy has consistently outpaced the nation, but we are still fighting against inflationary policies imposed on us by the Biden administration…in Florida, we are going to support our residents and help them afford the goods that they need,” DeSantis said.