
Sen. Cruz Finds Child-Sized Wristbands At Border, Blames Biden For Enabling the Cartel

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has repeatedly blasted the Biden administration for its lax border policies that have caused disastrous events for the U.S., such as sex traffickers and fentanyl being brought into the country. 

However, a recent discovery along his state’s border with Mexico has left him in further rage. 

In a video, Cruz made a midnight visit to the Rio Grande to check on the border crisis caused by President Joe Biden, but while watching border security try to stem the tide of people illegally entering the U.S., he made a shocking discovery. 

The senator found a series of colored wristbands that were placed on the arms of illegal immigrants.

“Down by the river, in just a few minutes, these are the wristbands I found,” Cruz said in the video, adding “A white wristband, blue wristband, white, a pink and a yellow.” 

Cruz explained that the colored bands are used by different Mexico-based human smuggling and drug cartels to determine which migrants being shuttled into the U.S. are fully paid up and which of them still owes money to the cartels.

Horrified, Cruz picked up a small band and said “Look at the yellow wristband…that obviously was around the arm of a child, a young child.”

Calling it barbaric and ill-compassionate, he demanded Democrats to go down to the border and see first-hand the chaos they have allowed that is running rampant at the border. 

“Where are the Democrat senators? They’re not here because you can’t look at the dead bodies of the children being assaulted, at the chaos — you can’t look at it and defend it,” Cruz said. 

For months, Cruz has highlighted the mayhem Biden has enabled. He blamed the crisis as a direct result of a political decision, calling it “inhumane” and “entirely caused by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,” who refuses to acknowledge the mess they have caused.