
DeSantis Calls Out Disney For Its 'Stupid Activism' in Defense of Florida's Parental Rights Law

Florida’s reputation of protecting students from the left’s repeated attempts to indoctrinate them with their radical woke agenda has been exactly what Democrat-loving Disney despises, and voters love. 

During a speech to hundreds of parents at the Moms for Liberty National Summit, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla) called out Disney’s “stupid activism” while defending his Parental Rights in Education law. 

DeSantis boasted about his administration’s accomplishments of defying Democrat’s Wuhan Coronavirus strict lockdown policies, supporting parental rights and being one of the freest states in the U.S. 

“What we've done, maybe better than any other state in the country, is we have drawn a very clear line in the sand that says our school system is for educating kids, not indoctrinating kids,” DeSantis said, adding “We've also drawn a clear line in the sand that says parents have a fundamental role in the education of their kids.” 

The governor, who may be a possible 2024 presidential candidate, condemned Disney for strongly fighting back against DeSantis’ actions of protecting parents rights in their child’s education. 

“All I'm doing is trying to defend parents… the reality is Americans are sick of some of these companies and their stupid activism,” DeSantis told the cheering crowd. 

DeSantis then blasted Democrats for trying to use the power of corporations to win votes at the ballot box. 

"It's one thing to advance things in the political arena, but when they can't get things done through the ballot box, they use corporate power to do it and to impose a leftist agenda through corporate America,” DeSantis said, saying that it is a cause for concern. 

Closing out his speech, DeSantis criticized Disney’s close ties with the Chinese Communist Party, vowing to not let the woke corporation run Florida. 

"I've got to go out as a leader and make sure people understand that [Disney] do[es] not run the state of Florida…we’re not going to have our leadership subcontracted out to a corporation with close ties to the CCP and that's based in Burbank, California,” the governor said.