
As Dems Vote to Create 'Right' to Abortion, Most Republicans Are Now Sponsors of Life Begins at Conception Act

The contrast between the pro-life Republican Party and pro-abortion Democratic Party in Congress could hardly be more clear. House Democrats are voting on Friday on the so-called Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA) and well as legislation that will protect interstate travel for women who cross state lines to get an abortion. While its supporters claim that the WHPA would merely codify Roe v. Wade, it would actually expand the decision and nullify all pro-life laws passed at the state level. 

That same day, the office of Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) announced that the discharge petition he led for the Life Begins at Conception Act has now received 101 cosigners. Rep. Good last month led Republican members in filing a discharge petition that would force a vote on the bill.

The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) reads in part, "To implement equal protection for the right to life of each born and preborn human person, and pursuant to the duty and authority of the Congress, including Congress' power under article I, section 8, to make necessary and proper laws, and Congress' power under section 5 of the 14th article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Congress hereby declares that the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being." 

Like other pro-life legislation that has passed or been considered, the bill, in no uncertain terms, notes that the mother will not be criminalized for her abortion. 

The bill has 164 cosponsors, which amounts to nearly 80 percent of Republican House members.

Townhall received an exclusive update on the discharge petition, which included numbers current as of Friday afternoon. In it, Rep. Good railed against Democratic pro-abortion extremism. 

"This week Democrats proved why there is no longer any political middle ground available on the issue of life. In response to the Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court ruling, the Party of Death once again voted in lockstep for the most extreme pro-abortion bills on the House floor. The Democrats voted to allow unlimited abortions nationwide up until the moment of birth and to override state laws that protect life. The Democrats also voted to undermine state laws that hold sexual abusers accountable. Republicans must recognize that there are no compromise votes in the Democrat Party in support of life," he said in a statement, going on to draw contrast to the discharge petition. 

"By contrast this week, my Discharge Petition to force a House vote on the Life at Conception Act received its 100th signature. The Life at Conception Act does two things. First, it recognizes the scientifically undisputed fact that human life begins at conception. Second, it finds that as a matter of federal law, the 14th Amendment guarantees the right to life for every human being without regard for whether they have yet been born," he continued.

Rep. Good's statement also included a message for his fellow Republicans, a stance he has been consistent with when speaking about the pro-life issue. "It is not enough to say you are pro-life. It is not enough to vote against the radical Democrat bill. The reversal of Roe v. Wade demands Republicans to boldly stand up and be counted as the party that will protect life from conception," he added.