
Obama Sends Former WH Doctor Nasty Email for Suggesting Biden Take Cognitive Test

Former president Barack Obama reportedly scolded a former White House doctor for questioning Joe Biden’s cognitive skills while on the 2020 campaign trail. 

According to emails pertaining to a memoir written by Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), he details a stern email from Obama after Jackson posted a tweet in 2020 suggesting that Biden should take a cognitive test.

Jackson, who served as the physician to Presidents George W. Bush, Obama and Donald Trump, said that Biden’s “crazy statements and concerning mental gaffes” has sparked concern on whether he is mentally capable of running the country or not. 

"Biden was on TV again, making crazy statements and concerning mental gaffes; he didn’t know what state he was in or what office he was campaigning for,” Jackson said, recalling 2020 campaign season, “He apparently thought at one point that he was running for the Senate and later couldn’t remember what state he was campaigning in. This had been going on for months and was getting worse.”

In 2020, Jackson, whose book is titled "Holding the Line: A Lifetime of Defending Democracy and American Values,” pushed for doctors to run tests on Biden, tweeting that "Remember the cognitive test that I gave @realDonaldTrump? The one he aced!Somebody else might need some testing done!! Scary!!”

According to Jackson within 20 minutes of sending out his tweet he received a “scathing” email from Obama expressing his dissatisfaction and his “unprofessional” behavior for the “cheap shot you took at Joe Biden.”

“I have made a point of not commenting on your service in my successor’s administration and have always spoken highly of you both in public and in private,” Obama reportedly wrote to Jackson, adding "It was unprofessional and beneath the office that you once held. It was also disrespectful to me and the many friends you had in our administration. You were the personal physician to the President of the United States as well as an admiral in the U.S. Navy. I expect better, and I hope upon reflection that you will expect more of yourself in the future.”

This was the last time Jackson was in contact with Obama, saying that he considered replying to the former president’s email but ultimately decided not too. 

"It’s awfully ironic now, considering [Biden’s mental fitness] is all anyone, including the liberal media, can talk about," Jackson said. “I’ve always said there would come a point where it wouldn’t be just me talking about it, but his own party, and sadly, that has proven to be the case. Joe Biden’s cognitive failures are on full display for the whole world to see.”

Prior to this, Jackson was mocked for saying that a cognitive test Trump had taken showed that he was in "excellent" mental shape and "had absolutely no cognitive or mental issues whatsoever." 

“Trump never made crazy statements like the ones Biden was making almost every day," Jackson wrote, adding "but these people were jumping up and down: ‘He’s not fit to be president; he needs a cognitive test!’"