
Bad Timing: Biden Wanted to Nominate Pro-Life Judge the Day Roe v. Wade Was Overturned

Everything they do is a tire fire. Kamala Harris can't go to Highland Park, Illinois, and answer questions from the press without it turning into an episode of "Veep." Joe Biden is just as aloof. It's an endless pinball machine of incompetence. 

It doesn't help that the mouthpiece for the administration, Ms. Karine Jean-Pierre, is hopeless at her job. It's bad, and because she's the first black lesbian to hold the position—they can't fire her. They can't move her. 

For the next 18 or so months, we're all stuck with KBJ until some private firm offers her a lifeline. What's truly appalling is the lack of common sense. New emails reveal that Joe Biden was actually going to announce the nomination of a pro-life judge on the day the Dobbs ruling was handed down by the Supreme Court, which overturned Roe v. Wade (via The Hill):

Emails between the White House and Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear’s (D) office show that President Biden intended to nominate an anti-abortion candidate for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky on June 24 — the same day the Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade decision.

The nomination of Chad Meredith to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky didn’t happen.

At shortly after 10 a.m. the morning of June 24, the Supreme Court ruling overturning the Roe v. Wade decision was released. While stunning it its importance, the ruling wasn’t a surprise: A draft ruling had already been leaked weeks earlier indicating the court’s intention to reverse the 1973 decision.

Since a June 23 email indicating Biden’s intention to nominate Meredith was first obtained and reported by the Louisville Courier Journal, the White House has come under criticism for considering him.


In the email sent the afternoon of June 23, White House aide Kathleen Marshall informed Coulter Minix, the director of Beshear’s office in Washington, D.C., that Meredith would be nominated the next day.

The June 23 email is written in the style of a memo.

Talk about bad timing. Also, it wouldn't shock me in the least if, at the last minute, the Biden team pushed the "abort" button for now. Judge Chad Meredith will be nominated at some point in what is said to be a deal with Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Nominate and approve Meredith, and there will be less resistance to further judicial nominations. Still, did anyone at the White House pick up on the fact that when the Supreme Court added an extra day to release cases—that could be a sign that the abortion ruling was coming? It was either going to be that Friday or the following Monday. 

Pro-abortion writers and activists are probably too busy lamenting the end of Roe v. Wade to notice, but for Biden to nominate a pro-life judge post-Dobbs is like pouring salt and acid into the wound. For sure, the far left is going to have another tantrum over this pick. I'm more concerned as to what we agreed to give up to get Meredith through the process, however.