
Kamala Harris Addresses the Highland Park Shooting, Vomits Another Word Salad

Someone, please grab this woman and yank her off the stage. How often does she have to spew word salad for Biden aides to get it through their heads that Harris should be kept from the spotlight? Like the Japanese carriers after the Battle of the Philippine Sea, the S.S. Harris should remain in port. She can't do the job. 

On the one hand, I think Biden's people already know that. She's a disaster to work with, as her senior staff has found safety with regard to employment elsewhere. She was touted as the first woman of color to occupy the office. That narrative has died a quick death as the country has gone down the tubes. 

It also got smothered when it became clear that she was grossly unqualified to be VP. She botched the talking points about the Ukraine war. She failed to boost COVID vaccination rates. She has abjectly failed at the southern border. She is very much like her boss in that she makes the easy stuff look like a tire fire. She had an easy layup with the Highland Park shooting and bungled it badly. 

It could have been an eloquent presser. Okay, you know it wasn't, but for the sake of argument, even if she didn't hit an iceberg—this 90th helping of word salad is what's going to define it. 

Speaking at the scene of the shooting in Highland Park, Harris said, "We have to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are, because you have been forced to take this seriously." 

First, that one might retire her infamous "It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day" remarks regarding COVID. 

Second, if this is what you're going to say to this community rocked by a horrific mass shooting, then just stay home. Yet, as she angles for more gun control, it looks obvious that the shooter, Robert Crimo III, had some help from his parents with regard to gun purchases. It looks like we have yet another mass shooting where the perpetrator was an absolute headcase. He posted violent content online. He has mental health issues going back to his middle school days, and he wanted to kill his family. Oh yes, in 2019, he made that threat, which prompted police to seize his knives. He also tried to commit suicide. And what does daddy Crimo do? Oh, he just co-signs his son's Firearm Owner Identification card (FOID) that same year. Red flags everywhere—but mommy and daddy thought after the death threats and thoughts of suicide that giving him a FOID was a crackerjack idea. 

It's time to talk about mental health. It's time to talk about updating our laws to catch up with the current state of technology. Illinois has some of the strictest anti-gun laws on the books. It has red flag laws. None of these laws stopped Crimo. The state was the very last to recognize concealed-carry rights. All of Crimo's guns were purchased legally. 

Biden's latest anti-gun bill wouldn't have prevented this shooting. To take it a step further, Highland Park banned ownership of modern sporting rifles years ago. 

Harris' braindead answer here in Highland Park shows the appalling level of incompetence again regarding this administration. Harris and Biden are unqualified to serve their respective offices. Biden is half-braindead. Harris is out of her depth and drowning in the deep end. That's who's leading us. Are we shocked that they can't keep baby formula on shelves? Are we shocked they're torching our wallets with their equally idiotic energy policy? Are we shocked they have no plan to fight inflation? Are we shocked that this so-called brain trust has led us into a recession? 

Given these two clowns that we have—nope. And it's only going to get worse.