
Departing Meta COO To Shift Focus to Women’s Rights and Abortion

Outgoing Meta COO Sheryl Sandberg said this week that she is leaving her role to focus on philanthropy and women’s issues amid the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

"It's just not a job that leaves room for a lot of other stuff in your life. This is a really important moment for women. This is a really important moment for me to be able to do more with my philanthropy, with my foundation," Sandberg told Fortune. She reportedly made her decision to leave Meta over the weekend after 14 years with the company.

Last month, after the draft opinion from the Supreme Court leaked, Sandberg wrote on her personal Facebook profile that it was a “scary day” and that abortion is about “women’s health and equality.”

"If the leaked draft opinion becomes the law of the land, one of our most fundamental rights will be taken away. Every woman, no matter where she lives, must be free to choose whether and when she becomes a mother. Few things are more important to women's health and equality," she wrote in the post.

Insider noted that “observers” are speculating that Sandberg may run for political office and “wants Dianne Fienstein’s seat” in the Senate.

Last month, Townhall covered how Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg banned Facebook employees from talking about abortion in the workplace. 

According to a policy seen by The Verge, employees are prohibited from sharing “opinions or debates about abortion being right or wrong, availability or rights of abortion, and political, religious, and humanitarian views on the topic.”

Naomi Gleit, a Meta executive, wrote in an internal post also seen by The Verge that “there are many sensitivities around this topic, which makes it difficult to discuss.” She added that employees can only discuss abortion at work “with a trusted colleague in a private setting (e.g. live, chat, etc.)” and in a “listening session with a small group of up to 5 like-minded people to show solidarity.”