
Border Patrol Union and Greg Abbott Have Something to Say About Baby Formula Stockpiled at the Border

The Border Patrol National Council President Brandon Judd and Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) issued a joint statement on Thursday about the continued nationwide shortage of baby formula while large quantities of baby formula are being stockpiled at the southern border amid that ongoing crisis.

Baby formula at Border Patrol facilities have been in high demand as thousands of family units are illegally crossing with babies and toddlers since they have not been subjected to Title 42 under the Biden adminstration. As a result, family units having been turning themselves in to Border Patrol after crossing the southern border so they can be released into the United States while continuing their asylum claims.

"Children are our most vulnerable, precious Texans and deserve to be put first. Yet, President Biden has turned a blind eye to parents across America who are facing the nightmare of a nationwide baby formula shortage. While mothers and fathers stare at empty grocery store shelves in a panic, the Biden Administration is happy to provide baby formula to illegal immigrants coming across our southern border," the joint statement stated.

"This is yet another one in a long line of reckless, out-of-touch priorities from the Biden Administration when it comes to securing our border and protecting Americans. Our children deserve a president who puts their needs and survival first – not one who gives critical supplies to illegal immigrants before the very people he took an oath to serve," the statement continued.

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesperson issued the following comment to Townhall amid the growing criticism:

"CBP takes seriously its legal responsibility to ensure the safety and security of individuals in our custody. Ensuring migrants, including children and infants, in our custody have their basic needs met is in line with this Administration’s commitment to ensuring safe, orderly, and humane processes at our border. CBP complies with all applicable regulations for the purchase of products used in CBP facilities."