
Dems Rediscover What a Woman Is After SCOTUS Leak

Democrats, you know the people who championed the inability to define "woman" and replaced the term "mother" with "birthing person" in federal vernacular, have suddenly rediscovered what a woman is and at least part of what makes them unique — the ability to make another human. 

After Democrats heralded their confirmation to the Supreme Court of a woman who said under oath she couldn't define "woman" because she's not a biologist, and on the heels of the Biden administration's decision to replace "mother" with "birthing person" in their budget request, they are now very, very (very) concerned about women after Monday's shocking SCOTUS leak that signaled an imminent end to Roe v. Wade.

From the House and Senate, unhinged calls came to nuke the legislative filibuster in order to protect women's health and preserve only a "woman's right to choose" for the "tens of millions of women" who they say need abortion to survive or participate in society:

Governors of liberal dystopias such as California abandoned their woke pretenses to say it will only protect women by protecting abortion:

Even state Democrat parties called for reproductive rights to be protected, but only for women:

And there were, of course, the usual unhinged Twitter libs ranting with apparently inadvertent distinctions between men and women, two groups which the left had previously assured us were identical with no notable differences.

So, after engaging in an all-out assault to erase women as anything special or unique, Democrats have clearly all quickly become biologists or tipped their hand to show that their gender insanity is nothing more than empty partisan political posturing they use to pander to different groups of Americans.