
With Elon Buying Twitter, MSNBC Freaks Out About the Safety of Women and the Nonwhites

The freak out over Elon Musk buying Twitter has been delicious. Two of the worst things happened to liberals in this transaction. Free speech won, and free-market forces led to the board of the social media giant caving after being unable to come up with an alternative deal to its shareholders once Musk put his $43 billion offer on the table. Freedom and free markets are viewed as the Stars and Bars in liberal circles. That’s today’s Democratic Party. Those who say otherwise, like Nancy Pelosi, only say that because they’re making millions off insider trading but that’s another matter. 

The real fear here is that Donald Trump’s Twitter account will be restored. The former president says he’s not coming back, but please—let’s see how long that position holds. The liberal fear and aversion to offering opinions are stunning, though not shocking for the feelings crowd. MSNBC and CNN will be working overtime fretting about how free speech and billionaires’ ownership of media companies is bad for democracy. The lack of self-awareness is already comical. But what about the women and the nonwhites. MSNBC’s Jo Ling Kent 

Yes, the media will go down the ‘woke’ checklist since everyone in liberal America thinks Twitter is going to devolve into a debauched house party (via Newsbusters):

After running through the financial numbers of the multi-billion dollar deal, Kent cited: “Elon Musk saying this: ‘Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy,’ he goes right for it there in his opening statement, saying, ‘Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated.’”

However, moments later, the reporter sounded the alarm:

Elon Musk saying he thinks that Twitter has tremendous potential here, but remember, this is a very controversial, polarizing owner of Twitter. A lot of the individuals and critics that we’ve been speaking to in recent weeks say they’re really concerned about safety and violence and threats, especially against women and people of color on Twitter. Several people I’ve spoken to today already saying no, they don’t trust safety and the, you know, goodness of Twitter if Elon Musk is the owner.

Kent added: “But Elon Musk tweeting today that he’s hoping that all of his critics will stay on the platform regardless, because of free speech, Hallie.”

Jackson went on to talk to New York Times technology correspondent Mike Isaac and quickly turned the conversation to politics:

One of the things that has been in the ether as it relates to something we cover on this show, which is politics, is former President Donald Trump, who was notoriously kicked off the platform after January 6th. He has apparently just told, and I’m citing Fox News here in what Fox is calling an exclusive interview, that he will not return to Twitter, even if Musk does go through with this purchase of Twitter....what Musk has said about free speech, kind of this crusader for free speech. That is something that has been taken up – a flag that’s been taken up by some conservatives in this country, too.

Isaac pointed out: “You know, Trump is not the only person that’s been banned from using Twitter over the years....You need to look at...all the high-profile accounts that have been banned over the past few years, specifically the ones on the right

Hit the ‘mute’ or ‘block’ button. You might need to do it many, many times. I don’t know what to tell you. This is a nation of 300-plus million people—and not everyone has it together. There are insane people. There are heinous ideas. I don’t let it ruin my day. Keep calm and carry on. I

I don’t know what else to say to people who are so fragile they think that mean tweets on Twitter threaten their safety. Maybe unplug, head into a bunker, and never come outside again. Life is war. Get used to it.