
New Yorkers Welcome Biden to the City But Not in the Way You'd Expect

President Joe Biden is in New York City today in an effort to allegedly fight crime and back the police. 

"The President and the Attorney General will join Mayor Eric Adams and Governor Kathy Hochul at NYPD Headquarters for a Gun Violence Strategies Partnership meeting. The President will discuss his Administration’s comprehensive strategy to combat gun crime, which includes historic levels of funding for cities and states to put more cops on the beat and invest in community violence prevention and intervention programs, as well as stepped up federal law enforcement efforts against illegal gun traffickers. This meeting will have a pool spray at the top," the White House released about Biden's schedule. "After, the President, the Attorney General, Mayor Eric Adams, and Governor Kathy Hochul will visit a New York City Public School, where the President will discuss community violence intervention programs with local leaders." 

Upon arrival, Biden was greeted by a residents carrying "Let's Go Brandon" flags. They made their way onto a live MSNBC broadcast. 

But New York isn't the only place where people disapprove of Biden's job performance. For the first time, he's sitting below former President Trump.

Biden is also losing support within his own party. From recent Pew polling

As major pieces of President Joe Biden’s agenda remain bogged down in Congress and the coronavirus pandemic enters its third year, his approval rating continues to decline among many demographic and political groups. Today, 41% of U.S. adults say they approve of how Biden is handling his job as president, which is down modestly from the 44% who said this in September.

Biden’s standing has further slipped among members of his own party after declining in September. About three-quarters of adults who identify as Democrats (76%) say they approve of Biden’s performance – down 7 percentage points from the fall. There remains a wide gap in approval between Democrats and those who lean toward the Democratic Party.