
'Equity:' New York COVID Health Guidelines are Openly Racist

One of the hallmarks of woke progressive identitarianism are the simultaneous beliefs that systemic racism is ubiquitous -- and that sometimes the solution to racism is different racism.  This is part and parcel with the concept of 'equity.'  Mere equality isn't good enough.  'Justice'-minded discrimination is deemed necessary and even essential.  That mindset is precisely what gets us this sort of twisted, amoral, explicitly racialized public policy:

It's not as bad as the Cuomo administration's lethal nursing homes fiasco and cover-up, but this is a deeply perverse way to make decisions -- and yet, it's what New York has implemented.  And it's not the first time public officials have infused pandemic policies with explicitly racial considerations.  We wrote about this disgraceful episode in Chicago early last year, which came on the heels of other similar moves elsewhere.  Meanwhile, here's the Empire State's new governor (who has insisted on keeping masks on young children, with no basis in science) insisting that mitigation measures can "control" Omicron:

How, exactly, governor?  Not even a fellow tri-state area Democrat seems to buy into that fantasy at this point:

Explain how masking children at school, for example, will stop the spread of a variant that does this:

And here's a top medical expert conceding that commonly-used masks are basically worthless against Omicron:

I'll leave you with the new Mayor of New York City making sure no one confuses his public statements with the last guy's, for reasons explained on CNN's New Year's Eve coverage, of all places: