
CBS Reporter Hit a Homerun on This Year's Underreported Story...And the Network Censored Her

Landon covered this over Christmas, but would you be shocked if CBS News edited their own reporter for a segment going against the narrative. No, right? 

This is one of the OG networks when it comes to fake news. Dan Rather and the Killian documents are prime examples. They tried in 2004 to derail Bush with a fake news story to influence the election and failed. They learned and did it again, but with the help of the intelligence community in 2020 to damage Trump. Yet, that's not what we're talking about here. 

Reporter Jan Crawford hit the nail on the head regarding this year's most underreported story in the most recent episode of "Face the Nation." It was so good—it got edited out. Hint: it dealt with school closures and Covid (via Newsbusters): 

In the full video, Brennan pivoted away from hopes of congressional Democrats advancing their agenda to asking: “Well, I want to get to underreported stories as well, Jan?”

Crawford responded without hesitation that it was something “my kids hear me rant about...every day, so I might as well tell you guys.”

“It's the crushing impact that our COVID policies have had on young kids and children. By far the least serious risk for serious illness,” she began, adding that “a healthy teenager has a one in a million chance of getting, and dying from COVID, which is way lower than, you know, dying in a car wreck on a road trip.”

For the ideology that claims to represent the little guy and stand up for marginalized communities, what Crawford had to say was a direct repudiation:

But they have suffered and sacrificed the most, especially kids and underrepresented at risk communities. And now we have the Surgeon General saying there's a mental health crisis among our kids. The risk of suicide girl suicide attempts among girls now up 51 percent this year, black kids nearly twice as likely as white kids to die by suicide. I mean, school closures, lockdowns, cancellation of sports. 

Crawford focused on the D.C. area, saying “[y]ou couldn't even go on a playground in the D.C. area without cops scurrying — getting — shooing the kids off. Tremendous negative impact on kids, and it's been an afterthought.”


Worse yet, CBS axed Crawford’s comments seconds before they would have aired. As you can see in the transcript and video of how the show aired (links above), White House correspondent Weijia Jiang said “we’ll see” about what happens with Congress in 2022 and Crawford was then set to follow, but Brennan instead went to a commercial break.

Yes, there is a mental health crisis going on among young Americans. The lockdown czars are responsible. The teachers' unions are responsible. They created this mess by peddling nonstop science fiction-based propaganda to scare the hell out of parents. 

Children are one of the least at-risk and best-protected segments of our population against this virus, and we treat it as some aerosolized super-Ebola strain. It's not. And yes, a price will be paid for these hysterics, the extent of which wewon'tt know for a long, long time.