
Elon Musk Destroys Elizabeth Warren with Just 3 Tweets

As Townhall reported Monday, entrepreneur Elon Musk was named Person of the Year by TIME Magazine — and liberals had a pretty big meltdown over the fact. 

Among those attacking TIME Magazine and Musk himself was none other than U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). By suspending reality and ignoring the individuals employed and taxes paid by Musk's companies, Warren called for Congress to "change the rigged tax code so The Person of the Year will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else."

Sure, Liz. Musk is the freeloader for... what exactly? Employing tens of thousands of people? Spurring a wave of investment and activity in a new American space race? Allowing NASA astronauts to again lift off from U.S. soil? Achieving popularity and success for electric vehicles? Warren's claim is nonsense, of course, but that hasn't stopped her before. 

Musk could have ignored Warren's lazy and lame attempt to smear his name in order to win political points, but as something of a happy warrior, he went all in with a flurry of replies on Tuesday afternoon that reminded the Twitter-verse that Warren is pretty much the last person to be calling anyone out for their life or career choices.

"Stop projecting!" Musk tweeted along with a link to a story about how Warren got caught lying about her Native American ancestry in order to advance her own ambitions. 

Musk followed up his reply by pointing out Warren's snark is reminiscent of his "friend's angry Mom" who "would just randomly yell at everyone for no reason." Another good point. 

And, just for good measure, Musk tweeted one more reply calling Warren "Senator Karen."

Short of calling Warren "Fauxcahontas," it's art. And good on Musk for clapping back at Warren's lazy attack that proved again her grasp on reality is tenuous at best.  

Musk, the person Warren said is "freeloading," faces a tax bill of more than $15 billion — yes $15,000,000,000.00 — according to a November report from CNBC, which makes one wonder how much more than $15 billion Warren thinks would be Musk's fair share.

The fact is that Musk has created more jobs and spurred more investment and innovation in his life than Warren ever will, and she should be applauding entrepreneurs who take risks greater than her attempt to win the Democratic nomination for president. 

Warren's salary is paid by American taxpayers, and her track record of big government policies makes her legacy one of freeloading while helping others freeload. While Warren has been creating opportunities for taxpayer-funded bureaucrats, Musk is creating jobs in the free market and building a better economy than a government desk jockey could ever create.