
GOP Senators Intro Bill to Stop Biden's Plan to Pay Illegals

A handful of Republican Senators introduced legislation Thursday to stop President Biden's plan to hand out up to $450,000 to each illegal immigrant who broke the nation's laws and was separated from a family member as a consequence of illegally entering the United States. 

The bill titled Protect American Taxpayer Dollars from Illegal Immigration Act — introduced by Senators Thom Tillis (R-NC), Tom Cotton (R-AR), John Cornyn (R-TX) and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) — would ensure no federal dollars could be handed over to illegal immigrants from the pockets of American taxpayers. If Biden's plan isn't stopped, they warn, hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars could be directed to individuals whose first action arriving in the United States was breaking the law. 

"Our southern border is a disaster, and President Biden's failed policies have continued to fuel this ongoing crisis," Senator Tillis pointed out. "We are seeing the most illegal immigration this year alone than ever recorded, and now President Biden wants to give illegal immigrants a payout, further rewarding lawlessness and chaos," he added. "I am proud to work with my colleagues to make sure this doesn’t happen.”

Not to mention the false hope Biden's planned payments to illegals may give others, spurring additional illegal immigration. Senator Cotton noted that "the Biden administration's promises of citizenship and entitlement programs have already caused the worst border crisis in history" and "a huge cash reward will make it even worse."

"The cash settlements the Administration is considering would only further incentivize families to make the dangerous journey and exacerbate the problem along our southern border," added Senator Cornyn.

Senator Cotton also pointed out the flawed logic of Biden's "height of insanity" plan, saying "it would be unthinkable to pay damages to a burglar who broke into your home for the 'psychological trauma' they endured during the crime. And yet the Biden administration wants to reward migrants who illegally entered our country with up to $450,000 each for just that reason."

"While American families are struggling anxiously just to keep pace with President Biden's inflation, the President now wants to make millionaires out of people who crossed the border illegally," said Leader McConnell before noting Biden's plan is "beyond parody."

The Protect American Taxpayer Dollars from Illegal Immigration Act was introduced with co-sponsoring Republican Senators Risch (ID), Inhofe (OK), Moran (KS), Blackburn (TN), Boozman (AR), Hawley (MO), Cramer (ND), Graham (SC), Daines (MT), Ernst (IA), Crapo (ID), Lee (UT), Moore Capito (WV), Lankford (OK), Hoeven (ND), Hagerty (TN), Shelby (AL), Scott (FL), Wicker (MS), Braun (IN), Thune (SD), Tuberville (AL), Young (IN), Collins (ME), and Romney (UT).