
Van Jones Goes Off the Rails Ahead of Virginia Election Results

Are they panicking over at CNN? If so, why? The polls literally just closed in Virginia. Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Glenn Youngkin now wait to see who will occupy the governor’s mansion tonight. Republicans have been disappointing the past couple of cycles. They haven’t won statewide since 2009. Yet, McAuliffe suffered a massive collapse in the weeks leading up to Election Day. He said that parents should have no say in what is taught to their kids. That is not a message that suburban voters will accept, and the polling showed that. Joe Biden is also not Barack Obama, with nearly half the state—47 percent—strongly disapproving of his job performance. Nine percent somewhat disapprove. 

He also told Hispanic voters to “get busy” to boost their share of the population. He awkwardly dances everywhere. He said this election was not about Trump, but then can’t stop saying his name. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth—and Terry could be the man who is picking up his teeth from the haymakers—his own haymakers. Independents jumped ship from him in epic numbers, reportedly by 30-plus points or more. 

CNN’s Van Jones embodies the panic at CNN since he compared those who voted for Glenn Youngkin as the delta variant of Trumpism. 

“Same disease, but spreads a lot faster and can get a lot more places,” he said.

So, not only are we white supremacists for not kowtowing to the liberal media’s list of acceptable candidates—we’re now a virus? And these guys wonder why we hate them so much? 

These aren’t remarks from those who are confident of victory. Over the past couple of days, the liberal media really juiced up Democrats and the black voter turnout as the only hope to stave off a GOP victory in Virginia. We shall see soon. 

UPDATE: Van Jones now says he didn't mean what he said like five minutes ago.