
Psaki Tests Positive for COVID-19

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki revealed on Sunday that she tested positive for the Wuhan coronavirus, via a statement shared on Twitter. 

“I made the decision not to travel on the foreign trip with the President due to a family emergency, which was members of my household testing positive for COVID-19,” Psaki shared in her statement. “However, today, I tested positive for COVID. While I have not had close contact in person with the President or senior members of the White House staff since Wednesday – and tested negative four days after that last contact – I am disclosing today’s positive test out of an abundance of transparency.”

Psaki revealed that the last time she saw President Biden was last Tuesday, where they stayed six feet apart and wore masks during their encounter. She mentioned that she is vaccinated against COVID-19, and attributes that to her symptoms being “mild” and giving her the ability to work from home. 

“Thanks to the vaccine, I have only experienced mild symptoms which has enabled me to continue working from home,” the statement reads. “I will plan to return to work in person at the conclusion of the ten day quarantine following a negative rapid test[.]”

Biden, who is currently overseas, tested negative for COVID-19 on Sunday as a requirement to enter the United Kingdom. He previously received the two-dose Pfzier-BioNTech vaccine and got a booster shot last month.