
Garland Doubles Down on Targeting Parents

Testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday morning, Attorney General Merrick Garland refused to retract a memo, prompted by a complaint from the National School Boards Association, to target concerned parents with federal law enforcement. 

Late last week the NSBA apologized for the letter, where parents were classified as domestic terrorists worthy of Patriot Act scrutiny, that prompted Garland's actions. Regardless, DOJ will move forward. 

In a number of exchanges with Republican Senators, Garland refused to condemn the use of federal law enforcement and argued the Department is simply "combatting violence." Garland admitted during testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee last week that DOJ has not investigated allegations of violence or seen evidence, but simply heard about "threats" and "harassment" from the NSBA.

Garland denied the DOJ memo could be used to chill speech. Parents who have been active at school board meetings aren't buying it. 

George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley is also weighing in.