
Sinema Again Confronted Over 'Build Back Better' at Airport. Watch Her Response.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema was confronted at an airport for the second time this month by a woman who claimed to be from Tucson and was upset with the Arizona Democrat over her positions on Build Back Better, meeting with constituents, and climate change. 

Sinema was walking with Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) as the woman approached. 

“I’m wondering–I know you’ve met with dozens of lobbyists–” the woman said. 

“Please don’t touch me, thanks,” Sinema said.

“I did not touch you,” replied the woman. “I know you’re meeting with dozens of lobbyists and talking with corporate donors about the package. How many times will you meet with constituents? How many times have you met with constituents in negotiating Build Back Better?”

While Sinema ignored the woman during the rest of the encounter, she could be heard telling Scott, “Sorry about this.” 

“It’s par for the course,” the South Carolina Republican replied with a laugh.

“Why won’t you meet with my family and your constituents? I can have them meet you next week. Ever single year in Arizona, it’s getting hotter and hotter. We’re breaking records,” the woman carried on. 

“People are suffering. Your constituents are suffering. What are you going to do about climate change?

“Please answer me, senator.”

Sinema and Scott then took off up an escalator. 

Not only was the Arizona moderate confronted at the airport earlier this month, she was also harassed in a restroom by four protesters who recorded their confrontation. Police from Arizona State University, where the incident took place, have since recommended charges against the activists. 

Sen. Joe Manchin and Sinema have both been a thorn in Democrats' side over President Biden's massive spending package, arguing against the price tag and other major provisions in the bill. In an evenly divided Senate, Democrats cannot afford to lose their support.