
A County in a Deep Blue State Is Declaring 'Medical Misinformation' a Public Health Crisis

Medical misinformation is a phenomenon that took off during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. According to the American Journal of Public Health published in October 2020, it is defined as "any health-related claim of fact that is false based on current scientific consensus." Social media giant Twitter even outlined policies specific to "COVID-19 misleading information policy" to tackle Covid naysayers and vaccine skeptics. But, one county in one of America's bluest states has taken it a step further, declaring it a "public health crisis."

As originally reported by The San Diego Union-Tribune, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors approved a measure this week declaring "medical misinformation" a public health crisis.

The decision, which followed a 15-hour meeting, came as an effort to combat the spread of "misinformation" with the surge of the Delta variant. Reportedly, more than 250 individuals signed up to speak on the matter, the majority speaking out against it, citing it would lead to restrictions on free speech and infringe on other personal freedoms.

"At a pivotal time in our history, with an FDA-approved vaccine available to all San Diegans free of charge and booster shots recommended later this year, health misinformation now presents a greater threat to public health than a variant of COVID-19," Board of Supervisors Chair Nathan Fletcher wrote in a letter detailing the measure.

"In response, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego recognizes the vaccine hesitancy, that stands in the way of the County moving beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, is being fueled by the spread of health misinformation, and commits to developing strategies to actively combat health misinformation," he continued. "[T]his board letter acknowledges the role misinformation has had in the resurgence of COVID-19 infections, once again filling hospital capacity, and driving the deaths and hospitalizations of thousands, including San Diegans and committing County resources to work with trusted stakeholders to aggressively counter misinformation in our community and engage in outreach based on best practices."

As part of the measure, local medical authorities would create platforms to counter misinformation dissemination – taking guidance directly from U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy in his advisory "Confronting Health Misinformation."

"The Surgeon General has said 'health misinformation is a serious threat to public health. It can cause confusion, sow mistrust, harm people's health, and undermine public health efforts. Limiting the spread of health misinformation is a moral and civic imperative,'" the letter states. "As our community and our country looks to turn the page on the pandemic, and as booster shots become more important to maintaining our recovery, confronting and combating misinformation becomes vital to saving lives."