
Priorities? CDC Issues Woke Speech Code for 'Health Equity'

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tweeted out its latest update to "Health Equity Guiding Principles for Inclusive Communication" and it's a load of woke malarkey. 

With apparently nothing better to do, the CDC decided to create a nonsensical speech code using a "health equity lens" with "inclusive terms" for "developing inclusive communications" created to supposedly "build a healthier America for all."

While there's a global pandemic, the CDC is apparently focusing on issuing woke guidance because, as they explain, "We must confront the systems and policies that have resulted in the generational injustice that has given rise to health inequities." 

Most Americans would like to know how the Wuhan coronavirus started in the first place or consistent apolitical guidance for staying safe, but the CDC has apparently more important woke reeducation to focus on instead.

In order to create "inclusive communications," the CDC says one must avoid "showing inequity in images (e.g. patient is a person of color and the doctor is White; person who is homeless is shown as a person of color)."

The wokeness only intensifies in the CDC's version of newspeak, with a handly glossary pointing out all the now-problematic terms and what words must now be used in their stead.

Instead of using "inmate" or "prisoner," healthcare workers are now to use "people who are incarcerated."

Rather than saying "disabled" or "differently abled," the acceptable term is now "people with disabilities." It's also now inappropriate to use "vulnerable" to describe disabled individuals. 

Saying someone is a "drug-user" or an "alcoholic" is now problematic, and instead "persons who use drugs" or "persons with alcohol use disorder" are the preferred terms.

No longer are people without insurance allowed to be referred to as "the uninsured," they are now "people who are medically underserved."

"Homeless" or "transient" are apparently not appropriate terms either, and now "persons experiencing unstable housing/housing insecurity" is the accepted nomenclature. 

Instead of "poverty-stricken" or "the poor," the CDC suggests "people with incomes below the federal poverty level."

Healthcare workers are also no longer to use "mentally ill" or say someone "suffers from or is afflicted with" a condition, and instead told to use "people with a mental illness."

And as has been seen across the government since the Biden administration took power, no longer are people to use the terms "illegal immigrants" or "illegal aliens" and instead terms such as "people with undocumented status" or "migrant" are appropriate. 

Instead of saying someone is "elderly" or a "senior," the CDC urges using "older adults" or "elders."

To say someone is "high-risk" is also ruled out, substituted with "people who are at higher risk" for a condition.

The CDC also instructs people to use "terms that are inclusive of all gender identities" such as "singular they or their."

"Health equity is intersectional," the CDC's guidance explains, institutionalizing the radical theory that asserts each individual is subjected to multiple victimhoods within an overarching matrix of oppression.

The CDC's woke guidance is just another example of unelected bureaucrats using taxpayer-funded budgets to pursue adventures in social justice rather than fulfilling their actual mission of controlling or preventing diseases.