
Kentucky Congressman Slams Twitter, WhatsApp for Allowing the Taliban to Use Platforms to Organize Militarily

Kentucky Congressman James Comer (R-KY) blasted Twitter and other Big Tech companies for censoring conservative speech while allowing terrorist groups like the Taliban to recruit members and communicate utilizing their platforms.

In an interview on Fox Business, Comer laid out how companies like Facebook, who own the app WhatsApp, and Twitter have long been partisan towards Democrats, but that allowing groups like the Taliban to organize troops, battle plans, arrange meetings, and share other information via their platform is downright unacceptable. 

“It’s one thing to be partisan towards the Democrats if you’re a liberal Big Tech company from California, but to allow the Taliban and other jihadists to use your platform, not only to plan on the battlefield but to recruit fellow terrorists is unacceptable,” Comer said in the segment. 

Comer went into detail about how spokesmen for the Taliban utilized primarily Twitter and WhatsApp over the course of months to organize the takeover of Kabul. One Taliban spokesperson has over 280,000 followers on Twitter.

“I just don’t see how Members of Congress can continue to sit back and allow Big Tech to continue to censor conservatives but work with terrorists,” said Comer. “Congress is going to have to lay down the law.”

Other than spreading propaganda, the Taliban is reportedly using WhatsApp and Twitter to negotiate surrenders, announce new governing rules, make official statements, and create an emergency broadcast system. The ability to share and spread information via the two platforms allows the Taliban to effectively run Afghanistan.

“It’s almost like an act of war, what Twitter’s doing. It’s criminal. They’re aiding terrorist organizations and they have no shame when they’ve been asked over the last 48 hours if they were going to ban the Taliban like other social media platforms have,” Comer said. “It’s another slap in the face by Big Tech. Not only do they censor conservatives and take people like President Trump and some of my Republican colleagues off Twitter or ban Twitter, they’re allowing this to continue and they admit it.”

Watch the interview below: