
Politifact Gets Disemboweled Over Ted Cruz Fact Check About Texas Democrats

So, remember the Texas Democrats who fled the state to avoid passing a voter integrity bill? They chartered a private jet to DC. They advocated for HR 1 which was an election bill that would tilt all elections in Democrats’ favor—and they brought COVID to the Hill while they were at it. And after all that, they didn’t get anything done but show the whole nation that they’re just a bunch of crybabies. When they can’t win, they flee. Now, some Democrats in this circus act have absconded to Portugal. It’s one of the most embarrassing political stunts in recent memory. Can they be arrested? Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said absolutely, but of course—PolitiFact was there to ‘fact check’ the Texas Republican:

"There is clear legal authority to handcuff and put in leg irons legislators that are trying to stop the Legislature from being able to do business," Cruz said in a hallway interview. And that "clear legal authority" is explicitly expressed in the state constitution, a fact he learned 18 years ago when state Democrats made their last exodus to thwart a GOP-backed congressional redistricting effort.


Cruz said that there is "clear legal authority to handcuff and put in leg irons legislators" who break quorum.

The Texas House Rules states that absent lawmakers can "be sent for and arrested, wherever they may be found." But, because absent lawmakers aren’t charged with a crime, it’s unclear how the use of the word "arrest" should be interpreted in this context. This is because no Texas court has reviewed how this provision is to be enforced. Thus, there is no legal clarity. 

We rate this claim False.

Well, this fact check was taken out behind the barn and shot as Texas’ Supreme Court gave the green light to arrest the Texas Democrats who fled to DC:

The Texas Supreme Court voided a lower court’s temporary restraining order that blocked the Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan’s authority to arrest and detain the Democratic representatives who fled the state for D.C. in July.

Phelan and Gov. Greg Abbott had asked the court to step in on Monday to overturn the protection order for the lawmakers who broke quorum over a GOP voting bill, arguing the Texas constitution grants the House the right to compel “the attendance of its members.”

Katie wrote yesterday that the warrants are out.

 So, yeah—the fact-checkers were wrong again. Just like how they were wrong about the Wuhan lab leak. Do these guys get tired of having their faces broken by stepping on rakes? I guess not.