
Democrat Mask Hypocrisy Hits Fever Pitch

As newly resurrected mask mandates — based on the latest guidance from CDC experts — took effect over the weekend, Democrat leaders were back to their old "Masks for Thee but Not for Me" behavior in displays of staggering but unfortunately unsurprising hypocrisy. 

And because alleged papers of record and mainstream media won't highlight such nonsense from our know-better leaders, Townhall is happy to do their job and show you just how unseriously those who demand adherence to their Wuhan coronavirus protocols take their own mandates. 

As Leah and Landon covered, Washington, D.C.'s Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser gave two-day notice for her city's mask mandate for all — conveniently giving her time to welcome comedian Dave Chapelle to the city and celebrate her birthday. Bowser was then spotted at a largely maskless wedding she officiated less than 24 hours after her mandate took effect. 

Chicago's Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot also conveniently delayed new Wuhan coronavirus restrictions until after the Lollapalooza music festival drew massive crowds. Mayor Lightfoot attended another festival over the weekend and removed her mask to take a photo that was shamelessly tweeted out by her own press secretary.

On the Hill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) reinstated a mask mandate for her half of the Capitol complex, resulting in an order for the U.S. Capitol Police to arrest maskless visitors and guests and report maskless representatives to the Sergeant at Arms' office. But of course, Madam Speaker cannot be bothered to follow her own rules and has repeatedly taken off her mask in violation of her mandate.

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) was also spotted by a fellow Member of Congress skirting the rules within the Capitol.

And, in case you missed it, even the House Attending Physician wasn't keen to follow the mask mandate. 

President Biden, the man whose administration set in motion all of these new mask mandates for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals alike, also chose to forgo a mask following his announcement of vaccine mandates. 

And Biden's example seems to have set the tone for the White House's hypocrisy, as Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre also violated the rules in multiple days of press briefings.

Just last week, California's Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom was also caught sending his kid to a sports camp where he knew his masking rules were not being enforced.

The list of those who say one thing about masks while doing the opposite goes on and on as Democrats seem to forget virtually everyone has a camera and can catch them in their hypocrisy.