
Timing of Mayor Bowser's Mask Mandate Makes Sense When You See These Photos of Her

Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser called on residents Friday to mask up yet again, regardless of vaccination status. The mandate applies to those over the age of 2. 

"Things have changed throughout the course of [the pandemic], and we have to adapt, too," Bowser said at a news conference. "I think it won't be a big lift for a lot of folks."

She reiterated the message later on Twitter, saying that "by masking up, we can protect our community and keep DC open.”

Bowser also linked to a district website for more information on the latest mask guidance.

The mandate went into effect at 5 a.m. on Saturday, raising questions about its timing considering that hours earlier she was posing maskless with Dave Chappelle and celebrating her birthday.

In November 2020, Bowser also came under fire for breaking her own Covid rules after she attended a victory party for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in Wilmington, Delaware. Despite deeming travel to Delaware “high risk,” and noting that those traveling for non-essential purposes must self-quarantine for two weeks upon returning, the mayor traveled to the celebration anyway. 

Bowser defended her trip, arguing it was "absolutely" essential.