
Catch the CDC's Teachers' Union Carve Out on New Recommendation for Masks and Schools?

Trump is gone. Biden is president. So, NOW schools can reopen fully. Oh, and fully vaccinated kids don’t need to wear masks indoors. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention said so today. Yeah, we knew this already, fellas. We knew this when Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that his mask-wearing post-vaccination was political theater. And he admitted that store-bought masks, the ones liberals have fetishized during COVID, don’t do jack against curbing the spread of the virus. Being able to rip your mask off after vaccination has been known for a long time, medical experts. We just see you wearing your political hats on this on…again. Did you see the little carve out at the end to ensure teachers’ unions don’t get upset over going back to work (via NBC News) [emphasis mine]:

Fully vaccinated students do not need to wear masks in classrooms this fall, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday.

The guidance, which goes beyond mask-wearing, is aimed at kindergartners through high school seniors, and is meant "to help keep kids in classrooms, as well as participating in any sports or extracurricular activities," said Erin Sauber-Schatz, who heads the CDC's Community Interventions and Critical Populations Task Force.

The recommendation for fully vaccinated students mirrors the CDC's previous guidance for fully vaccinated adults: no masks needed when indoors.

"Science completely supports that," said Mark Williams, dean of the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock. "The vaccines are very effective in preventing infections, and if there is a breakthrough infection, it would not result in serious illness or hospitalization."

However, vaccines are only available for people ages 12 and up — leaving a large proportion of school-age children unprotected.


The agency's guidance is not a mandate. School districts and local governments have the authority to make their own decisions, including whether to implement universal mask-wearing or ditch the masks completely, even for unvaccinated students.

I mean, the CDC and the teachers’ unions did collude to keep schools closed, so this half-assed approach to getting our kids back to learning shouldn't be shocking. That last part is a nice carve-out. You might not have heard about this plot because the liberal media suffocated the story, but when you see their leaders like Randi Weingarten say that they have pushed to reopen schools last year—it’s a lie.

Now, we have this half-a-loaf approach where undoubtedly most schools will keep their draconian COVID measures in effect due to the science fiction that’s been peddled by the Left on COVID. Schools have never been a source of super spread. Kids, generally, don’t get it or spread it. in the chance they do become infected, the cases are quite mild—all good things. It’s been safe to reopen for months. The teachers’ unions just didn’t want their members to go back to work.

Liberal blogger Kevin Drum noticed that when the schools in Irvine, California, reopened in September of 2020, there was no spike. The district has 23,000 students. On March 3, it was reported that just 17 contracted COVID. Out of the 3,000 staff in the district, there were only three cases of infection. It’s been safe to reopen schools for quite some time; the COVID panic porn media and experts just wanted to keep milking it for political gain.