
Traitor Liz: Pelosi Taps Democrats' Favorite Anti-Trump Republican to Sit on Their Witch Hunt Committee

I wish I could say this is shocking, but it was really going to be one of these two people. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has tapped Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) to be on the select committee investigating the Capitol Hill riot. Liz was one of two Republicans who supported this partisan project. 

Everyone but the Left has moved on from this event, but the Democrats need distractions. Jobs reports are bad. Inflation is soaring. The deficit is going to hit $3 trillion. Biden’s abroad trip was not well executed, the border is a mess, and Kamala Harris’ office is reportedly a disaster zone. So, let’s keep reshaping this January 6 stuff. It’s an exercise to keep the liberal moral superiority complex afloat and it will offer Democrats another way to attack Trump. It’s also a long-awaited revenge project, as Democrats thought the select committee on the Benghazi terror attack was a waste of time. It’s a game and around and around we go.

Cheney is an anti-Trump Republican, so it’s not a shocking move by Pelosi. Will it lend this witch hunt committee credibility due to its bipartisan appearance? No. An anti-Trump Republican is no better than a Democrat. And Liz must know she’s being played here. She may think this is a patriotic duty. She’s really accelerant to this massive anti-Trump media pyre. Her last name is key. It’s the liberal media latches onto like a barnacle and we’re off to the races. 

Here’s what she said upon her appointment:

"I'm honored to have been named to serve on the January 6th select committee. Congress is obligated to conduct a full investigation of the most serious attack on our Capitol since 1814. That day saw the most sacred space in our Republic overrun by an angry and violent mob attempting to stop the counting of electoral votes and threatening the peaceful transfer of power. 

"What happened on January 6th can never happen again. Those who are responsible for the attack need to be held accountable and this select committee will fulfill that responsibility in a professional, expeditious, and non-partisan manner.

"Our oath to the Constitution, our commitment to the rule of law, and the preservation of the peaceful transfer of power must always be above partisan politics."

It’s not about any of this, Liz. This is about the Left trying to get Trump after failing so many times before. Democrats know the chances of them getting blown out in the 2022 midterms, so again—it’s about trying to find ways to keep their base animated. They can’t form a good messaging campaign over Biden. Nothing he’s done is great. The vaccines? That was a Trump initiative. We know Trump gets Democrats motivated, but this isn’t going to be the golden ticket to midterm success. It’s Congress not doing their jobs—and Liz being a willing participant in the Democrats’ painfully transparent political games. 

She's already lost her leadership post over her anti-Trump antics. Do we have martyrdom syndrome here?

Oh, and the other Republican to support this witch hunt was Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL).