
Heritage Action Just Came Out with a New Tool Helping Grassroots Activists Push Back on Critical Race Theory

As quickly as the radical Left is trying to inject Critical Race Theory (CRT) into classrooms, workplaces, and government agencies across the country, so too are grassroots organizations cropping up to combat the efforts head on. As Townhall reported earlier this month, Heritage Action is busy engaging its network of dedicated grassroots activists in the fight.

In addition to its toolkit providing information about Critical Race Theory, on Monday, the group launched an e-book that equips activists with the tools they need to reject the toxic theory.

The nine-page manual first offers a background and brief explanation of the theory's tenets, then gives parents directions on how to submit an open records request in their school district. It also offers tips on how to contact one's member of Congress to suppoort two pieces of legislation that would help reject Critical Race Theory: Combatting Racist Teaching in Schools Act (H.R. 3163) and the Combatting Racist Training in the Military Act of 2021 (H.R. 3134).

Finally, the e-book provides talking points and lists a few resources to learn more about the problems with Critical Race Theory and how to engage in pushing back. 

While attending school board meetings is important, says Heritage Action's Executive Director Jessica Anderson, "the name of the game is transparency."

"What we're calling on parents, what we're calling on activists across the country to do is to start by researching their schools … submitting FOIA requests … all of this information is available to them so you can see the decision-making process behind closed doors of how exactly the process is of CRT infiltrating and being baked into curriculum," she told Fox Business.

"Once you get that information, then you're actually armed with how the decisions are being made and how dangerous they are to students to go to that school board meeting," Anderson added, noting that it gives parents the substance they need to explain how their children's education is being distorted.