
Mark McCloskey Tweets Photos of New Purchase After Guns Seized

Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple who came under legal fire last summer for brandishing their weapons at BLM rioters who stormed through their private gated community, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges last week and gave up their weapons. The two were defiant, however, with Mark vowing to “do it again” should a similar situation happen.

“Any time the mob approaches me, I’ll do what I can to put them in imminent threat of physical injury because that’s what kept them from destroying my house and my family,” said Mark, who is running for Senate.

Recalling the incident during an interview last year, Mark said he warned the rioters that they were trespassing on private property, which "enraged" them.

"A mob of at least 100 smashed through the historic wrought-iron gates of Portland Place, destroying them, rushed towards my home, where my family was having dinner outside and put us in fear of our lives," McCloskey said.

“This is all private property. There are no public sidewalks or public streets,” he continued. "We were told that we would be killed, our home burned and our dog killed. We were all alone facing an angry mob…all shouting, all coming towards us."

Since the charges were only misdemeanors, however, the two were not prohibited from purchasing new weapons, and that’s exactly what they did. 

"Checking out my new AR!" he tweeted, showing photos of the weapon. 

"We’re strong advocates of the Second Amendment and we’re going to continue to exercise our rights and protect ourselves," McCloskey said on Fox News. "We intend to keep our arms and bear them. We’re a constitutional carry state. I will replace those (guns) which the state took."