
Only CNN Would Accept Jeffrey Toobin's Explanation For Zoom Call Masturbation Session

Remember Jeffrey Toobin? He’s CNN's top legal analyst. He’s been AWOL recently but has emerged from the bunker to explain his absence. To refresh all your memories, Mr. Toobin was caught on a Zoom call masturbating. It was with staffers on The New Yorker. It wasn’t intentional. The CNN contributor thought the camera was off. This public relations fiasco occurred in October of 2020, which led to him being kept off the air at the anti-Trump network. The New Yorker decided to fire him, however. He recently spoke with host Alisyn Camerota and was asked how this could happen given his extensive history covering sex scandals. 

He said, “because I didn't have better judgment. Because I'm a flawed human being who makes mistakes.” He added that he’s privileged that CNN didn’t fire him, allowing him to rebuild his life hopefully with his pants on this go-around.

Curtis Houck and the crew at Newsbusters clipped the segment. When asked if he reached out to the New Yorker staffers who witnessed his episode of self-gratification, he said, “They were shocked and appalled. I think they realized that this was not intended for them.”

Well, no kidding, Jeff. 

Also, only at CNN could the ‘I’m a flawed human being’ explanation save someone from being fired for masturbating in front of others.