
Trump Visits the Border Before Harris? Former President May Be Heading South as Crisis Rages

Former President Donald Trump floated the idea of visiting the U.S.-Mexico border during an interview on Fox Business' "Varney and Co." on Monday, meaning he would visit the border to see the crisis firsthand before either President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris. 

"Now, Vice President Harris is in Guatemala, tomorrow she goes to Mexico. No plans to go to the border. Mr. President, a couple of months ago, I think it was Jason Miller who said you might head to the border yourself. Any plans to go to the border?" host Stuart Varney asked. 

"Well, I've been asked to go by a lot of different people, including Border Patrol. These are great people that work so hard for our country, and I've been asked to go, so I'm seriously considering it. It could happen, relatively soon, just to support these incredible men and women who have done such a good job and they just are left out to dry. It's disgraceful that nobody has been there from the administration, in terms of the top is really terrible," Trump said. 

"Well, there's a good chance I will [visit], but I actually think it's incompetence. I don't think it's anything else. I really don't. They don't need the votes because they cheat at the elections, so they don't really need the votes. Everyone says they are doing it because they need the votes," Trump continued. "They don't need the votes, they cheat like hell. So I just think it's gross incompetence." 

The Biden administration, particularly VP Harris, has been heavily criticized for its lack of concrete action to address the surge of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, with neither Biden nor Harris making a trip to the border. 

Harris says she was put in charge of leading the effort to address the "root causes," which is why she is in Guatemala City this week. There have been multiple, mostly GOP, congressional delegations to the border to raise awareness of the ongoing crisis, with many saying the Biden administration has caused the influx of illegal immigrants through its open border rhetoric and policies.