
'This S**t's Going Viral': Bystander Steps on Rake Trying to Heckle Police About Ma’Khia Bryant Shooting

Well, as with any police action nowadays, there will be bystanders. The phones will be recording. And social media blitzes could occur, especially if it's an officer-involved shooting. It just one of the many things that make being a police officer more difficult. Yet, for one cop, he wasn’t having any of this heckler’s nonsense.

During a confrontation with police in Washington DC, some heckler tried to throw the recent Ma’Khia Bryant shooting back at the officers’ faces. 

“Are y’all going to kill me like Ma’Khia Bryant?,” the man can be heard saying. 

“Are you going to stab somebody like her?” replied one police officer, which left the heckler speechless. All he could say was that he caught him on camera and that it was going viral, but probably not in the way this clown thought it would go. 

Bryant had a knife. The 911 call describes a scene where she was attacking and trying to stab people which prompted police to arrive. That portion about stabbing was edited out of NBC News’ report on the shooting which occurred in Columbus, Ohio minutes prior to the Derek Chauvin verdict being read on April 20. Once the bodycam footage was released a lot of liberals were eating pavement for peddling a fake narrative. This wasn’t another ‘George Floyd moment’. The officer was justified in using force. Even Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon, yes you read that right, agreed, adding that news outlets who don’t mention the knife in this incident are committing journalistic malpractice. It’s made worse by celebrities, like LeBron James, who in a now-deleted tweet wrote “you’re next #accountability” with a picture capturing the office who fired on Bryant, Officer Nicholas Reardon. And then the video blew all of that apart. 

Heckler got owned because he was fed misinformation by the liberal media and celebrities, and we all know the updates and corrections hardly ever get the attention needed to correct their initial takes that were wrong because they went off half-cocked.