
What Ron DeSantis Just Said About the COVID Vaccine Should Spark Another Liberal Tantrum

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will say what he wants and there’s really no stopping him. He’s also been right on some of the most contentious issues concerning the COVID pandemic. He’s owned the liberal media. He’s owned the experts. He managed the crisis his way—and Florida is open for business. There is no fourth COVID wave. The vaccines are working. And once vaccinated, you should act like it. That’s what DeSantis said today, which will once again paint a target on his back. So what? Bring it on, right? 

This is a direct swipe at Dr. Anthony Fauci and the COVID czars who have been wrong about almost everything over the past several months. If you’re vaccinated, you’re immune. You could stop wearing the mask as well. You can resume your daily activities. There is nothing to fear. Even with the J&J pause, there’s nothing to fear. The side effect is stunningly rare. Besides leaving out natural immunity in their projections, Fauci and his crew have left out another process: risk assessment. These clowns say get vaccinated but remain inside. Why? Is this sort of doublethink that makes people wonder if the vaccines are safe or effective? Luckily, tens of millions of Americans got vaccinated regardless of Fauci’s post-vaccination hysterics. It’s got to the point where even liberals are trashing the doctor, saying his vaccine narrative is nothing but gaslighting at this point. 

Fauci has been peddling science fiction. DeSantis has been actually the better model in following the science. His vaccine rollout in Florida was excellent. He actually vaccinated the elderly first, which was met with attacks by the liberal media. The experts are wrong. Stop listening to them, especially Fauci

The dirty secret is that we’re probably near herd immunity, which are words the expert community really doesn’t want to hear for some reason. Over 180 million shots administered, tens of millions of kids who overall don’t contract or spread the virus, and the hordes of Americans who have acquired natural immunity from past infection. This virus has a high survivability rate. The media forgets that. Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins projected that given the current metrics, two-thirds of the country probably already had the infection. The light is at the end of the tunnel, not doom and gloom. The people who actually have the power to make the decisions are the ones who should be listened to now. Fauci has no power to tell us what to do, so hit the mute button.