
Boehner Sent a Copy of His Book to Ted Cruz. Here's Where He Put It.

The strong words former Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) had for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has made for quite the interesting story. Boehner would reportedly go off script from recording his audiobook, "On the House" to curse the senator out. Earlier this week, feud turned into more than just a war of words, when Sen. Cruz received a signed copy of the book.

The book is neatly displayed in a fireplace. No, it's not lit. There is no indication of book burning. 

He's continued to address the signed copy of the book. 

Reporting on such viciousness has only been going on since earlier this month, though it seems like it's been a lot longer. In one memorable recording, Boehner told Cruz to go "f**k himself." 

Sen. Cruz had his own clever responses.

The back-and-forth even got the attention of CBS Sunday morning; Cruz responded to one of the clips in an above tweet.

Boehner's book was released on Tuesday. 

Barton Swaim with the Wall Street Journal opined Boehner "could have used a ghostwriter" and that "Occasionally the writing is dreadful. "But as a work of history, the book falls short,"  Julian E. Zelizer of the New York Times wrote.