
Nadler Claims Democrats' Court Packing Scheme is Actually 'Unpacking'

Congressional Democrats officially unveiled their legislative plan to pack the Supreme Court, the Judiciary Act of 2021. The legislation is spearheaded by Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) in the House, and Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) in the lower chamber. 

Nadler claimed that there is “nothing new” about expanding the size of the Supreme Court.

"There is nothing new about changing the size of the Supreme Court.  The Constitution leaves the number of justices to the discretion of Congress, and Congress has changed that number 7 times already throughout our history,” Nadler explained. “Our founders understood that, as the country and the judicial system evolved, the Court would need to evolve with it.”

While advocating to add justices to the court, Nadler simultaneously claimed that Democrats are hoping to “unpack” the court, not pack it.

Markey repeated the exhausted talking point claiming that Republicans “stole” two Supreme Court seats.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) says she has “no plans” to bring the legislation to the House floor.