
How Georgia Republicans Sought to Punish Delta Over Election Law Criticism

Tensions between Georgia Republicans and the business community are high over the state’s new election law after Delta and Coca-Cola ripped the measure as “wrong” and “unacceptable.” 

The public criticism appeared to come as a surprise to lawmakers in the state because in the weeks leading up to its passage, the two Georgia-based companies only "tiptoed" into the debate.

"...Kemp, Ralston and other Republicans wondered aloud where the outrage from these companies was weeks ago – and why they chose the grand finale of the 40-day legislative session to lash out. So did many Democrats who pronounced the sudden corporate blowback to the law too little, too late," AJC reported

The timing was also strange for another reason: “Their statements coincided with the final hours of the legislative session, when a number of tax measures were still pending. Any one of them could have been amended to punish either of the companies.”

And so, Republicans attempted to fight back, voting to pass an amendment that would strip Delta from a jet-fuel tax break worth tens of millions each year.

Though the state Senate did not take up the measure, House Speaker David Ralston was clear the move was retaliatory.

“They like our public policy when we’re doing things that benefit them,” said Ralston, reports AJC. “You don’t feed a dog that bites your hand. You got to keep that in mind sometimes.”