
DeSantis Declares War on Critical Race Theory

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is ridding Florida public schools of Critical Race Theory.

During an official education announcement this week from Naples, DeSantis blasted the indoctrination curriculum as hateful and anti-American. 

"Let me be clear, there is no room in our classrooms for things like Critical Race Theory. Teaching kids to hate their country & to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money," DeSantis said. "We will invest in actual, solid, true curriculum and we will be a leader in the development and implementation of a world class civics education." 

Even better, DeSantis plans to reward schools for teaching accurate civics. 

"Under the governor’s proposal, teachers who get credentialed in teaching civics would get a $3,000 bonus. Some $16.5 million would be devoted to training teachers and principals in civics education. That training would come from civics “coaches,” in-person seminars and virtual learning," the Associated Press reports.

Meanwhile, proponents of CRT have been infiltrating school districts around the country. In Virginia, parents opposed to it are being put on lists for doxxing, hacking and public shaming.