
These Tweets About Gov. Cuomo's 'Leadership' During COVID-19 Have Not Aged Well

March is now upon us which means we are rapidly approaching our one-year anniversary of "15 days to slow the spread" of COVID-19 once the virus reached our shores after emerging from Wuhan, China.

The early days of the pandemic were filled with confusion and frustration as lockdowns were put in place and many wondered if they would have a job by the end of the month. With the virus being new, many were looking for answers on what to do and how to handle such a pandemic.

Democrats and the media found that comfort in New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. They became obsessed with his daily press conferences, calling it much-watch TV. All that love slowly began to fall apart after it was revealed he ordered nursing homes to take in COVID-19 positive patients despite the fact it was known the elderly were among the high-risk population, pumping up the death toll, and then manipulating the death numbers to hide the devastating effect his order had on nursing homes.

Anyone paying attention to what was happening in New York knew something was off, but the country was still in the "Orange Man Bad" mode and was more focused on Trump's mistakes he made early on in the pandemic. While there were things to certainly criticize, the issue was there were mistakes made at the state level that made the pandemic worse than it had it be.

Cuomo's supporters sang his high praises on social media, calling him the true leader of the country and that his "leadership" was what was really needed during the troubling times. Though a small sampling, it shows how doing something as regular as a press conference can blind those to the obvious poor decision-making happening in the background.

Cuomo has maintained the reported death numbers have always been correct, but then an aide said they hid the true death toll to avoid the ire of the Department of Justice.