
How the Woke Mob Diced Up Mr. Potato Head

Maybe it’s naïve to think that anything is safe from the woke mob. Is nothing sacred? Is there anything that this miserable group of lefty thugs spares for the sake of time? Are there no debates about whether this is a hill to die on? Apparently not, since Mr. Potato Head has been diced up by these left-wingers. Even Piers Morgan, who is not a conservative, tweeted, “Who was actually offended by Mr. Potato Head being male? I want names. These woke imbeciles are destroying the world.”

Yeah, Morgan is right. Maple Syrup, Paw Patrol, Land O’Lakes Butter, sports teams, and now Mr. Potato Head are among the victims on this progressive butcher’s bill. So, RIP, Mr. Potato Head. Your gender-neutral pod person can never replace you (via Associated Press):

Mr. Potato Head is no longer a mister.

Hasbro, the company that’s made the potato-shaped plastic toy for nearly 70 years, is giving the spud a gender neutral new name: Potato Head. The change will appear on boxes this year.

Many toymakers have been updating their classic brands in recent years, hoping to relate to today’s kids and reflect more modern families.

“It’s a potato,” said Ali Mierzejewski, editor in chief at toy review site The Toy Insider. “But kids like to see themselves in the toys they are playing with.”

Barbie, for example, has tried to shed its blonde image and now comes in multiple skin tones and body shapes. The Thomas the Tank Engine toy line added more girl characters. And American Girl is now selling a boy doll.


Dropping the “Mr.” from its name could encourage other companies to stop assigning genders to its toys, a trend that has already been happening, said Mierzejewski. Barbie maker Mattel released a gender-neutral doll line in 2019. But Mr. Potato Head is one of the biggest brands to do so.

The Muppets are now problematic. Mr. Potato Head is probably among many victims of the woke rewrite in the toy industry. 

Civilization is crumbling.