
Adam Kinzinger's First Primary Opponent Announces Her Run with This Ad

Various individuals and organizations have their eyes on the 2022 midterm election. Not only will it be a chance for Republicans to take back Congress, but it's also a time for President Donald Trump's supporters to reinforce the "America First" policies Trump implemented.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) has come under fire for voting in favor of impeaching President Trump. He's outspoken about his disdain for Trump, something that has resulted in an "America First" candidate emerging.

Fellow Republican Catalina Lauf is primarying the six-term congressman from Illinois' 11th Congressional District. She released an ad calling Kinzinger a "fake Republican" that fails to put America first, something she promises to do.

"The reality is the majority of our party is united around the 'America First' movement," she said in the ad.

The small business owner slammed Kinzinger for his numerous appearances on MSNBC and his voting record. 

"This is a reality for Adam. One out of every three votes he casts in Congress is with Nancy Pelosi," Lauf said.

According to Kinzinger's primary opponent, Republican voters in the district care about issues like social media censorship, election integrity, freedom of speech, gun rights, illegal immigration and the economy.

"Weak Republicans are the reason why the Democratic Party is turning our country into their socialist utopia right before our eyes," she explained. "And they're getting away with it."

Lauf said her parents are legal immigrants who were given an opportunity. It's those opportunities she's wanting to fight for. 

Kinzinger was one of 10 Republicans that voted in favor of impeaching President Trump. Others, like House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) face primary challenges as well.