
Ron DeSantis Defends Super Bowl Partiers By Highlighting Media Hypocrisy

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) was in no mood for the media and Democratic finger-wagging about the parties that broke out after the Tampa Bay Buccaneers won Super Bowl LV last Sunday. 

DeSantis said he saw no such concern about COVID-19 from the media when people gathered for BLM protests and riots or the victory parties that happened in the streets after Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

"The media's is worried about that obviously, you guys really love. You don't care as much if it's a quote peaceful protest, then it's fine. You don't care as much if they're celebrating a Biden election. You only care about if it's people you don't like. So, I'm a Bucs fan, I'm damn proud of what they did Sunday night," DeSantis said.

DeSantis then highlighted how the state is doing everything it can to vaccinate the high-risk groups to further prevent the spread of all COVID-19 variants.

Indeed, the national media only seemed to care about "superspreader" events when it's a gathering that is not pro-Democrat.