
WATCH: Antifa Vandalizes Democratic Party Office in Portland

Antifa thugs vandalized a Democratic Party of Oregon's office in Portland on Wednesday. Townhall's Julio Rosas was on the ground and captured the chaos. 

Members of the far-left group can be seen spray painting obscene political messages like "ACAB" and "Fu** Biden" on the outside of the building before other members shatter the office's windows. 

Julio captured the aftermath. 

During the first presidential debate, Joe Biden claimed "Antifa is an idea, not an organization." Maybe the Democrats can sue the idea of Antifa for damages. 

Joe Biden wouldn't be the first Democrat to enter Antifa's crosshairs. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler was reportedly attacked by an Antifa member earlier this month as the mayor dined at a restaurant in the city's Nob Hill neighborhood. The attack followed the mayor's New Year's Day announcement where Wheeler called out the group by name, acknowledged his own failure to deescalate and compromise with Antifa, and called for further action against those continuing to destroy the community. 

In August, a Trump supporter was shot and killed by an Antifa activist in Portland. Antifa supporters attacked the Hatfield Courthouse in Portland, and dozens of officers were injured in the nightly riots that lasted for more than two months. Antifa and the violence were largely ignored by Democrats and the media.

Journalist Andy Ngo was also attacked and hospitalized by members of Antifa in Jun. 2019 while covering protests in Portland.