
It Looks Like Hunter 'Forgot' to Report This Huge Payday from Burisma on His Taxes

NBC News of all places is reporting on an email that Hunter Biden received in 2017 from Eric Schwerin, then president of Rosemont Seneca Partners. The email makes mention of some $400,000 Hunter Biden received from Burisma Holdings and failed to report on his tax returns. Apparently, the mainstream media no longer thinks the emails are "Russian disinformation" now that the election is over.


“In 2014 you joined the Burisma board and we still need to amend your 2014 returns to reflect the unreported Burisma income,” says the email dated Jan. 16, 2017.

The email goes on to note that Hunter Biden, who is now the subject of a federal tax probe, netted more than $1.2 million for the year. The earnings include the $400,000 from Burisma as well as income from Rosemont Seneca Advisors and a legal firm.

The email was made available by Rudy Giuliani’s attorney Robert Costello. Costello has said he was given a copy of one of Hunter Biden’s hard drives from the owner of a computer repair shop in Delaware.

NBC News did not have access to the full drive. It is not known what, if any, action Hunter Biden took in response to the email.

The Biden-Harris transition team revealed earlier this week that Hunter Biden was the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation centered around his tax returns. In response to the news, Joe Biden said he's proud of his son.

Joe Biden has come to count on his liberal allies in the mainstream media and Big Tech suppressing damaging news for him, but that may be changing now that protecting Biden is no longer about stopping a second Trump term. Let's face it. The media would love to call Kamala president.