
Rashida Tlaib Advocates for Green New Deal Provisions in Future COVID Relief Package

As Democrat leaders in both chambers of Congress continue to stall progress on the passage of another COVID relief package, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) added another provision to the "liberal wish-list."

A member of the “squad” in the House of Representatives, Rep. Tlaib indicated on Thursday that the next COVID stimulus package should include provisions of the Green New Deal, advocating for Congress to put “people before corporations.”

Democrats have held COVID relief hostage for months, as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) refuses to include Speaker Pelosi's wish-list of items unrelated to COVID-19.

"It's clear that Democrats like Rep. Tlaib are playing partisan games with COVID relief instead of focusing on funding vaccine distribution or relief for the workers and small businesses who are struggling in Michigan during Gov. Whitmer's latest shutdowns," said Tori Sachs, executive director of Michigan Rising Action.

While the progressive congresswoman advocates for more partisan line-items in COVID relief legislation, Michigan faces one of the strictest COVID-19 lockdowns. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's (D) draconian shutdown order was rebuked by the state's Supreme Court for overreaching gubernatorial authority. While she keeps her state locked down, forcing numerous businesses to close their doors, Gov. Whitmer also advocated for Congress to pass another stimulus package as families and businesses in her state face economic burden due to her executive overreach.