
Pollsters Reveal How Americans Feel About the Election Results – and It Seems Spot On

Throughout the course of this election cycle, we have repeatedly heard from pollsters who said former Vice President Joe Biden would win in a land slide over President Donald Trump. A poll from ABC News and The Washington Post had Biden +17 over Trump in Wisconsin the week before Election Day. Three weeks before the election Real Clear Politics' national average had Biden ahead by 10 points. 

We know pollsters we were wrong. If we go based on the current numbers from Decision Desk HQ, here's how the swing states panned out:

Minnesota: Biden won by 7.11 percent.
Michigan: Biden won by 2.97 percent.
Wisconsin: Biden won by 1.43 percent.
Pennsylvania: Biden won by 0.74 percent.
North Carolina: Trump won by 1.34 percent.
Georgia: Leaning towards Biden by 0.28 percent.
Arizona: Leaning towards Biden by 0.38 percent.

Those numbers aren't set in stone. The Trump campaign has a number of lawsuits filed in the battleground states of Michigan, Arizona and two in Pennsylvania. A recount is officially taking place in Georgia and the Trump campaign has asked for a recount in Wisconsin. The electoral map has a chance of changing, depending on how the Supreme Court decides to rule on Pennsylvania allowing ballots to be counted, even if they were received after Election Day, and if recounts go in Trump's favor. 

What's amazing is a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll – assuming they actually got one right – shows 70 percent of Republicans do not trust the election system. That means that 35 percent of the nation doesn't trust the election's outcome, specifically because they have concerns about election integrity and the potential for voter fraud. 

62 percent of Republicans surveyed said the results in Pennsylvania would be unreliable. And similar numbers came out of other swing states.

"Distrust is similarly high about Wisconsin (55 percent), Nevada (54 percent), Georgia (54 percent) and Arizona (52 percent), with suspicion being amplified by the Trump campaign, which has filed more than a dozen lawsuits in contested battleground states," The Hill reported.

The numbers are rather astonishing considering 49 percent of those surveyed said they leaned towards Democrats while 40 percent identified with Republicans. It means that there's a greater probability that half the country believes this election was a sham. 

Assuming this poll is correct, legislators should be focused on making sure appropriate votes are counted and allegations of voter fraud are fully investigated.